
自生日之后整一周,忙碌的程度几乎达到了来香港生活的顶峰,一天三个deadline, 分分钟不停都能忙到凌晨三点以后,啥也不管了,闷着头成天就是资料、作业、上课,聊天很恍惚,皮肤很暗淡,宿舍很混乱,msn很荒凉,四处都惨不忍睹。唉,想到以后做记者的生活,莫非也是要这样?
等一轮的任务总算都勉强完成,周末狠狠心,飞奔出去旺角买了面膜和眼霜。风卷残云地收拾完满桌的资料,认真地洗个脸,贴上面膜,涂上眼霜,躺下,一觉到天亮 。十二点,睁眼,面膜还在脸上,凉凉润润的,毛孔从里到外透着清新的凉气~ 嗖。嗖。嗖。黑眼圈暗疮一下子全给吹跑了。噢也。我坐起身,迷糊地望着窗外阳光里湛蓝的大海,顿时觉得生活无比幸福。呵呵。面膜加睡觉。女人,原来是这么容易满足的。
认真地谢谢我的朋友,也谢谢clytze,同样deeply pray everything for you, in HK, and in ZSU. 🙂


生活过渡记 已经有 4 张纸条儿了

  1. 论文征集中 说:


  2. clytze 说:

    Hi,I have been down for days and your kind words greatly released my suffering today.I can never imagine such a kind-hearted person like you will ever enjoy our job as journalists, neither in Hong Kong nor in Mainland.I was deeply moved by an English song which was sung in an advertising on TV yesterday and I would like to share it with you.First of May Bee Gees When I was small And christmas trees were tall We used to love and others used to play Don’t ask me why But time has passed us by Someone else moved in from far away Now we are tall And christmas trees are small And you don’t ask the time of day But you and I Our love will never die But guess we will cry Come first of May

  3. 艾墨 说:

    Hi clytze, really hope you get through all those awful stuffs soon.. ~"_"~ 🙂


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